Glutax 2000000GX DualNA Premium ReCombined Cell Injection
One of the high-quality products with a high dose of essential chemicals that aids in giving you perfect, brighter, and healthier skin is Glutax 2000000GX DualNA Premium Recombined Cell 10 Sessions Glutathione Skin Whitening Injection. The additional oral booster aids in keeping the body's level of glutathione high.
The most popular option among spas and skin clinics worldwide is Glutax 2000000GX DualNA Premium Recombined Cell 10 Sessions Glutathione Skin Whitening Injection. It is one of the best L-Glutathione preparations on the market today. High L-glutathione and Vitamin C dosages are included in this product. Even if you are not receiving skin treatments, the Glutax helps to maintain a high amount of L-glutathione in the body.
One of the most recent ground-breaking breakthroughs released by the renowned cosmetic company, Glutax, is the 2000000GX DualNA Premium Recombined Cell 10 Sessions Glutathione Skin Whitening Injection. With the development of contemporary engineering and technologies, Glutax has made a significant advancement by releasing an incredibly inventive product that not only contains high-quality ingredients but also ensures a positive outcome when used.
Glutax 2000000GX DualNA Premium ReCombined Injection Ingredients:
Premium Argan Fruit Stem Cell
Premium Rose Stem Cell
DNA and RNA Glutathione 2000000g
DNA and RNA Ultra White Elements 6000mg
DNA and RNA Epidermal Growth Factor 8000mg
DNA and RNA ProEnzyme Q10 3700mg
DNA and RNA PDRN Hyal 4800mg
DNA and RNA Multivitaminico 250000mg
DNA and RNA Collagene Naturale 12000mg
DNA and RNA Selenio 5000mg
DNA and RNA Premium Recombined
Stem Cell 30000mg
Premium Grape Stem Cell
Premium Apple Stem Cell
Glutax 2000000GX DualNA Premium ReCombined Injection Benefits:
Skin lightening and anti-aging lightening
Skin gets lighter and more radiant.
Reduce acne and pimples
Dim areas shine
Encourage collagen
Make your skin lighter and more even in colour.
Enlarge the holes
Aids in achieving a flawless, bright, and glowing complexion all over the body.
The skin is nourished and made firm by the glutathione injection.
Scars and dark spots on the skin can be removed with the aid of a fairness injection.
Improves whitening, firming, and skin lightening.
Firms the skin while also nourishing it.
The regrowth of skin cells
Keeps skin moisturised
Skin damage restoration
Country of Origin: Italy
Not Appropriate For:
Women who are nursing.
Expecting mother.
Under 16 Age Vitamin Allergy (any kind).
Recommended Dosage:
Once a week intravenous IV drip infusion. Contact your doctor for a better outcome.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers should talk to their doctor before taking any supplements.
Due of its enhanced defensive qualities, glutathione is inappropriate for chemotherapy patients.
The dosage is set and fluctuates from 1-2 injections each week depending on the state of the skin.